
The Watchfire-brand digital marquee outside is configured to connect to a laptop PC located in the Executive Office Manger's office. 

LogMeIn is installed the laptop and both the Executive Office Manager and the Marketing Director have accounts with remote access. 

Ignite OP (software developed by Watchfire) is installed on the laptop which enables users to make changes to the marquee's content. 

The marquee's IP address:


Ignite Installation

PC Requirements

  • Windows 10 or later
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 5 GB Storage


  1. Sign in as an administrator. 
  2. Connect to the ngigw.goodwill-ni.org network (using DHCP). 
  3. Download the Ignite install directory from SharePoint
  4. Run setup.exe on the target PC. 
  5. Select select the "IPv4 Network Connection" option and enter the IP address Call Watchfire support with any issues during this step: (866) 637-2645
  6. Fin :)

LogMeIn Configuration


  1. Install LogMeIn. 
  2. Open the LogMeIn control panel from the taskbar (right click for context menu). 
  3. Sign in and enter "MA - Watchfire ([SN of PC]) into the description field. Save.

Add New User

  1. Select "Manage" under "Users" in the left sidebar.
  2. Delete the old user (if applicable). 
  3. "Add Users"
    1. Enter the email address of the user
    2. Change to simplified interface.
    3. Change computer permission to "Specify the groups and computers the selected user can access."
    4. Select the the Ignite computer.
  4. "Send invitation" 

The new user should receive a link to set up their LogMeIn account. After their account is set up, they will be redirected to the computer list in LogMeIn Central. If the user requests assistance: 

  1. Open their invitation email on their workstation. 
  2. Instruct them to complete the following: 
    1. Log in and select the Ignite computer in LogMeIn Central. 
    2. Bookmark the dashboard that opens. 
    3. Select "Remote Control" in the sidebar.