What is the process for getting new or replacement Technology?
There are a few guidelines to consider: cost, replacement, new, exceptions
Cost: Typically if the cost is minimal, say less than $50, and it is obvious that it would be helpful you are welcome to open a helpdesk ticket requesting one. A perfect example if this would be like a wireless mouse or a keyboard. Wireless mice, when on sale, are as inexpensive as $13 and we will likely have one in inventory.
Replacement: The question here is why do you need a replacement. If it was due to an accident and it's now broken we may ask you to fill out an incident report which will be shared with Asset Protection and/or your supervisor for review. A good example of this is a broken or lost / stolen mobile phone. If it is due to the device just being old or not functioning correctly then likely you can fill out a helpdesk ticket for replacement. IT will notify you when your item has been ordered and the expected delivery time. If the delivery time will hinder your work, please explain that to us so we can best determine an alternative solution for the time being.
New: If there is something that would make your job much easier and save you tons of time or frustration then the best course of action is to follow the guidelines set for the in the PC Peripheral Policy / Assistive Technology Policy. That boils down to sending your supervisor an email requesting the device and explaining what you need and how it would make your job easier or more efficient. If it is something to help with a disability, you may be asked to provide proof of the disability to HR just for documentation purposes. If your supervisor agrees he can add his comment to the email and forward it on to the VP of your department. If the VP agrees with you and your supervisor he can forward the email on to the IT department. Frequently the price of the peripherals are known and will be procured without an estimate or quote. At IT's discretion, based on cost of the device, we may get a quote and ask the VP to confirm before procurement. Again, if Goodwill is making an accommodation a copy of the order will be sent to HR for documentation.
Exceptions: There are a few exceptions. Goodwill as an organization is always trying to reduce cost and overhead to make the best use of the revenue generated by our generous donors. A good example of this would be printing. While it is convenient for everyone to have their own printer it may not be cost effective or practical. Another exception would be if you work in a program that is funded by a grant. The grant may have other stipulations, requirements, and documentation to be considered. One last thing we may consider is if the request is typical for your job position. If it is something typical purchased then likely just a helpdesk ticket will do. If it is something not typical purchased then we are looking at the more formal approval process.
I just don't know where to start! If you don't know where to start then open a helpdesk ticket and we will guide you on the next steps to the best of our abilities. Again, we don't always know the stipulations for every grant and may need to reach out to for assistance to make sure everything is done properly.