Main Screen

On the main screen you have two options.  One is the green start copy at the top of the screen.  This is a shortcut to start making copies with the default copy settings.  The number of copies it makes is based on the number in the Copies area in the upper right corner of the screen.  Think green for go like in a car.  

Or, on the main screen, if you want other copy options you want to click on the button under the blue Copy in the middle left side of the screen.


Copy Screen

If you decide to go into the copy screen itself, this will let you adjust settings such as if you want the copy in color or black and white and other settings.  Again set how may copies you want by entering a number in Copies area in the upper right corner of the screen.  Once you have changed all the settings you want, click the green Copy button at the top of the screen.  Just think green for go!