First go to the kiosk. In the lower right corner of the screen, click on the symbol that looks like a pie slice pointing down, it will probably also have a small “X” through it.

Clicking here will pop up a small window. On this small window click where it says “No network”

This small window will then change to show what wireless networks the computer can see. My example will show our networks here but you will want to click on the selection titled Goodwill Guest Wireless.  The picture below is from an old screenshot so please ignore the Goodwill Wireless highlighting.

At this point there should be a pop up that has our Acceptable Use Policy. You'll want to scroll down until you find a blue button and click on it.


The computer should now be joined to the wireless network. At this point if the computer doesn’t start working right away you can either click “reload” that should be right in the middle of the screen or you can click the red Exit session button located in the lower right corner of the screen. This will log you out of the computer but these have been programed to automatically log themselves right back in.