Our Timeclock is frozen and the screen will not refresh, how do I get it going again?

The Time Clock:

Is an Android based tabled setup in KIOSK MODE. Many of the functions of the tablet are locked except for swiping down on the touch screen from the top to refresh the website or using the power button to turn the tablet off or on. Tablets have batteries, and the ethernet cable runs to an adapter that only provides power to the tablet so it can charge.


This means that unplugging the ethernet cable will have no effect on the table because it connects to the Internet using Wi-Fi and has a battery. Yes, eventually the battery would drain and then the device would power off and that can be used as a last resort and would likely take until the next day before you could plug the ethernet cord back into the power adapter to power it back up.  

For reference, below is a picture of the power adapter that adapts the power on the ethernet cable to a Micro-USB plug that the android tablet can use:


The cable isn't long enough for the barrel connector to be separated, plus that would essentially do the same thing as unplugging the Ethernet cable as you would still need to wait for the Android tablet-based time clock to drain its battery before plugging back in.

To POWER OFF the Android tablet, there is a finger-sized hole on the back side of the timeclock protective case that will allow you to depress the power button.

You'll need to hold it for 12 seconds and the device will vibrate and then power off. Then wait 5 seconds and if the table didn't vibrate a second time and doesn't appear to be starting up like the picture below, then press the button momentarily again.

Once the Android operating system has finished booting up, it will connect to Wi-Fi, then the table will flash a message that it is entering KIOSK MODE, and then finally the time clock will appear:

If this doesn't resolve your problem, then contact the IT Helpdesk for assistance and replacement.